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I’m Here for You

What should I expect from my first session?

Once you are connected to my HIPPA compliant patient EMR, you will be directed to complete intake forms that will be sent to me before our first intake appointment. Make sure you answer each question! The more detail, the more I can help! In this hour long appointment, we will go over your full medical history IN DETAIL, get oriented to next steps, how to collect kits and make a plan on how to move forward. 

Do you help treat terminal or chronic illness?

While there is literally no illness that cannot be significantly improved by healing your gut, a terminal illness is likely not an appropriate candidate for this program.  However, doing significant work in your gut will move you forward tremendously with most chronic illnesses, especially autoimmune disorders: Hashimotos, Chrohn's Disease, Psoriasis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, among many others because these all root to a dysfunctional immune response . 90% of your immunity roots from your gut!

Do you do any other Functional Medicine treatment?

 While I believe Functional Medicine offers more solutions and answers than you will ever find in an allopathic medical approach, my practice now only focuses on the gut. This is for very specific reasons: the gut is always where to start! There is nothing in your body that does not root there. Once the gut is healed, the majority of other issues naturally take care of themselves. There might need to be "tweaking" here and there, but significantly less than if you started without gut healing approached first. 

Do you prescribe any medications?

I do not.  I will not play the role as your Primary Care provider and I encourage you to have somone locally whom you see for any annual visits, sick visits, emergent visits and all RX refills. 


Are you a Nurse Practitioner?

I am a Family Nurse Practitioner, but in the context of this program, I will function as your Functional Medicine Wellness consultant, which is a separate role than a Nurse Practitioner. This keeps my license compliance and state line changes across the country clean and clear and allows me to practice Functional Healthcare for anyone, anywhere in the United States, Europe and Canada. 

Is any of this covered by insurance? 

Unfortunately, it is not. This is the case when you step "away" from an insurance driven model of healthcare into a more holistic one. You will be able to take the receipt and apply it towards your HSA, if you have one. 

What supplements do I have to take? 

My approach uses zero prescriptions :)  All of the nutraceuticals, supplements, and high-dose herbal treatments that I recommend are because I have spent decades honing exactly what works and which companies produce the highest quality supplements. I will send you all that you need to order via Fullscripts, a company that I highly recommend that carries many high-end supplement lines. I pass along my 20% professional discount to you as one of their affiliates. I can track what you order and when, and it helps me to keep things streamlined in the backend. However, you're not obligated to order from them. Do know, however, that the supplement industry is not as regulated as you'd imagine, and buying online via Amazon, etc - while there might be a cheaper price, there is no quality assurance! So, the saying "you get what you pay for" rings true!

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

How do you guarantee results? 

I guarantee that my approach is the highest caliber gut tests possible, with the most customized approach you'll ever find. I guarantee that you will get results on whatever terms you set. What this means is by mid-way through the program, if you don't think it's worth your time or money, I will refund all of your money back minus the test costs of $1000, and you can still walk away with your results, my interpretation and have them for your next step. You have nothing to loose. 

 Mannequin with Gut Health

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