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Are you using Zinc for Winter Wellness?

Oral Zinc is one of those supplements that became very widespread in it's use during COVID, and continues on through Winter.

If you're taking this at home on a consistent basis, here are some things you should know:

The FORM of oral zinc supplementation matters!

The most absorbable form is Zinc Picolinate.

If you're not taking any zinc (or it's a low amount), I am linking my Fullscript portal below so you can see my Zinc choice. This is what I typically recommend to clients (it's also gluten-free).

Before you purchase a supplement, it is IMPERATIVE that you look through the supplements you currently take and ADD UP the amount of zinc from each.

Make sure to do math to make sure that you're not OVERDOING it on nutrients.

The daily recommended dose of zinc is 40mg/day.

That's not per product... it's the total amount across the board you take in from food + supplements.

The reason is that high levels of zinc can increase your risk of kidney stones.

AND over-supplementing zinc can mess up your zinc-copper ratio. That's not a good thing + can cause a bunch of weird symptoms.

If you want to add copper to your regimen, I have included a copper supplement for you to easily add in too.

Here is the link to the 2 products I recommend! Anything through Fullscript is 20% off with my discount.

Happy Wintering!


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