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Matriarchy will Rise Again.

Back in the 1940’s, my great grandmother, Mary Williams, was coming of age at the exact place I am today.

She was a 40 year old woman with several kids, widowed, managed the family farm, a prominent community member, active in the local church, had a ‘big white Southern home’ on the corner in town, led the charge as the first women to vote in her county — all by the time she was in her 40’s.

She is a LEGEND in our family.

Her Matriarchal energy, still to this day, holds many of us together.

We still tell her stories.

We still hold her belongings sacred and dear - her silver, her furniture, her Bible … it is all still cherished, and she has been dead since I was in the 7th grade.

What makes some live on as a Legacy and Legend, and others not?

I believe it was her Matriarchal energy - which transfixes me at times.

I was the first grandchild, the first female, and lived the closest.

We would visit every Sunday, go to church, spend the day, eat lunch together that my Mom would always make and pack for us all, and tend to the family bonds that ONLY in-person presence strengthens.

My Dad would pay her bills.

I would play card with her.

We would bring her chocolates or little gifts.

It was all such a beautiful way to live multi-generational.

She was a major part of my formative years.

I loved her and she loved me.

She single handedly taught me to play Go-Fish. I would brush her hair so gently, as she closed her eyes and felt the pleasure - of both the attention and the love that I poured into her every Sunday - willingly.

Her house was huge to me. Upstairs was haunted and the dining room was where William Faulkner ate one time; where family weddings took place, open caskets before burial lied in state and so many family dinners.

It all happened at her house.

I remember sitting next to the window by her chair speaking with a loud - solid voice as she got older and hearing became difficult.

It seemed my father was the only one she could hear in the end.

I cherished my Sunday’s with her.

I remember being so SEEN. so loved. So approved of - in all of my SJ way.

Her Matriarchal energy has left me transfixed by the power of a Woman – in all of her power.

Without a doubt, she comes to me still - in my dreams, in my spirit time, in my meditations.

Not like visiting a grave and being the only one there, but an active presence when my soul calls her in.

She comes; I listen.

She guides me, and supports me and gives me the approval for my big dreams & wild ways.

Without her or Mom here anymore, I depend on these invisible meetings.

I depend on knowing they’re part of my spirit team, supporting and facilitating my own personal unfolding.

I would feel in a vacuum if they weren’t still here, at least in spirit.

Matriarchal Energy transfixes the world.

It’s beyond a “mother’s love”

It’s beyond a “female” present.

It’s a transmission felt when a Woman is in her Power, and therefore shares her Power - which is palpable and so stabilizing.

This is what women do.

Our world was once lead by women.

Women were the rulers, the sovereign, the wise ones, the Queens.

We knew how to follow the Matriarchal energy because it is what led us all.

I have this example in my family of what it means for everything to be centered on a HER.

That one powerful woman that leads by love, guides with grace, commands respect and grows in reverence from her friends and neighbors.

She lives inside of me and is the flame that still burns as I see this New Earth energy arising on the planet.

The Matriarchal Energy is rising again.

And all thanks to the spirit that is my great-grandmother, Mary Williams, which lives inside of me am I given the deep knowing of how to be a leader so that, once again, the matriarch will rise.

- Sj


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