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Want to the secret to being WELL
Create Personal Power! 


Free 10 day Challenge
to help you do just that!

Personal Power
Innate Wellness
Control over your Body and Mind


My greatest vision for the planet is that everyone - and I mean everyone! - would have the ability to get still and source their own inner wisdom & healing. 


I believe we are such wise souls and beings - and yet the distractions and busyness of life separate us more and more from our own inner world. 


This real part of us is the home of our deep knowings, our intuition, our clarity - and ultimately our power because stillness within unlocks the natural process of healing. 


This goes for both our bodies and our minds.


So, being still and intimate with the real, authentic parts of ourselves is the only way that we individually can ever regain our power.


Personal Power is why I've built this 10-day stillness course: Getting Real Within. 

Welcome to the power of 

This is perfect if:


1. You're a newbie and the word 'meditation' or even ‘stillness’ scares you. 

2. You've never - not once - sat still for 10 minutes with no agenda. 

3. You've uttered the words "There's just 'no way' I can sit still for that long..."


This is for you!


I have broken this down in a way that you would have to try really, really hard to fail -- 1 minute at a time!


You will start with 1 minute, then each day, I add another minute. 

For 10 days, I'm confident you can give yourself 1 extra minute -- just to be still. breathe. relax. and let the magic unfold. 


        You're magic inside, even if you don't feel this way. 


And I want to gift this 10 day program to you now. 


For me, For you, For us. 

We're all better when we individually have stillness within. 


xx. sj

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